Last week we had our second online rehearsal, and while never as good as singing in person with the rest of the choir, it is good to be doing something positive in these challenging times.
Our MD James, surprised us with a short message from none other than John Rutter. Mr Rutter is the composer of three of the carols in our Christmas program, "All Bells in Paradise", The Angels Carol" and "The Nativity Carol" so for him to send us a personal message was to quote an overused but appropriate word , awesome! Many thanks for that James. Ugie voices are looking forward to some interesting projects ahead. First we are obviously rehearsing our Christmas program which we hope to record and post for your listening pleasure. Then we are embarking on, to quote Monty Python, "Something completely different!" A project involving Making, the Aberdeen Saxophone Orchestra and the composer and conductor Ben Lunn. ore on that in the coming weeks. Ill leave you with a random Christmas fact. William the Conqueror's coronation was on the 25th December 1066. Until next time, stay safe and keep singing.